Saturday, 1 May 2010

Night Of April 27th 2010

I'm on some sort of class trip and I'm at the train station , I'm trying to get on a train with Bebe but she falls out her box and runs onto the train tracks. I manage to get her to come to me just as a train goes past and we get on a train at the end of the platform. I'm speaking to the driver and it becomes clear that I'm on the wrong train so i quickly jump off but i forget Bebe!

Next thing I'm running along a bridge to a bnb with my little sister Abby I think we are in Edinburgh. We are being chased by three men, one short and fat and balled one skinny and ill looking and one big built tall man and they are all wearing suits but seem slightly old fashioned as if from the 1940's. Abby and I manage to get into the bnb and hide in a room that has lots of locks on the door. Abby then pulls out this weird looking laptop which instead of having a mouse it has two Egyptian heads on the keypad that you use like a joystick to control the mouse on the screen. I start to hear a loud noise coming from the laptop so i tell her to turn it down but she says its not her. I look under the bed and there are speakers making a strange noise so i go to the wall where there are about 5 plug sockets and i turn them all off at the switch but when i switch some of them the noise gets louder so i eventually just pull all the plugs out of the wall to stop the noise. But its too late because the men heard it and they are at the front door of the bnb so we hide under the bed whilst the lady owner shows the men round to assure them there isn't anyone hiding. I can feel the material of the valance hanging off the bed on my nose and my breath is giving us away because it makes the valance sheet sway with the breeze. The men move on without finding us and we run off down the street into a little alternative medicine shop where i ask the shop assistant for an incense which will calm me down. She recommends warm banana flavour so I buy it but when we are coming out of the shop we bump into the men. I give the big built one the incense stick and he seems happy and they leave us alone.
All of a sudden we are in some woman's house and from the window I can see Asda. We are in kirkcaldy. She has locked us in a room with thousands of hair brushes. We manage to escape but she is coming at us with a hook on a rope and swinging it around her head. She finally gets close to us then becomes all nice shes walking us through her house and there are loads of ornaments i see three Russian dolls and i pick them up and put them on their side she sees me do it and scowls at me as shes walking us up the stairs we all pile into a room and sit in a circle.

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